Every security system company has a slightly different contract. The details differ, but the general concept is the same. The details of the contract, including the price and length of contract should be a determinate of your security system choice. If you’re signing something for 2+ years, you are going to want to make sure that you’re happy with everything in the contract.
Treat your security system the way that you treat your cell phone contract. They actually work similarly, except for the fact that you have a plethora of options when it comes to choosing your security system.
The biggest difference contract to contract is the price and the length of the contract. In general, the longer that you sign the contract for, the bigger the discount that you’ll get. Ifyou don’t plan on moving, we definitely suggest signing the longer contract. By having contracts, security system companies can offer bigger and better discounts simply because that money in “guaranteed” for them. The commitment gets you a discount.
If long contracts aren’t your thing, some security system companies offer a month to month contract. Granted, you’re not going to be getting a huge discount, but you will be getting flexibility. Just because you rent or move often, doesn’t mean you’re excluded from the top security systems out there.
In general, we suggest a long contract because it will save you money down the road. We do understand that the contract isn’t for everyone. Make sure that before you make a final decision, you contact at least 3 of your potential security system choices to get as many details as possible on the security system. This doesn’t just mean features, it means contract details and pricing too.