Security System Review News

AT&T Digital Life to Become Available in 50 US Markets by the End of the Year


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AT&TThese days, people who spend most of their time at the office are worried about what could happen at home in their absence. Undoubtedly, they have all of the reasons in the world to express their concern and start looking for the very best measures of protection, as more than 2.2 million burglaries are recorded every single year all across the U.S. Most of them attain peace of mind after buying and installing a modern, sophisticated .

For those who are still waiting for a clever, all-in-one security solution, AT&T has excellent news: Digital Life will soon be introduced in six new American markets: Milwaukee, Tulsa, Hartford, Oklahoma City, Jacksonville and Charlotte. The company intends to launch its complete home management system in 50 different U.S. markets by the end of the year.

The foundation of Digital Life is complete home security with 24/7 professional monitoring that allows you to know what is happening at home, or where an event has occurred. Through AT&T-owned and -operated U.S.-based monitoring centers, professionals will respond to emergencies and alert police and fire authorities,” explain AT&T representatives.

This flexible home management system enables users to control every single aspect of their lives, even when they’re on the go. By relying on this fully integrated, flexible home management solution, homeowners can turn their property into a safe, comfortable environment at a touch of a button from their desktop, tablet or smartphone. Basically, AT&T has designed a user-friendly, intuitive, yet extremely sophisticated home management system providing the highest level of protection 24/7. Family members who count on this ingenious solution can control their small appliances, receive notifications in case of an emergency (from burglary attempts to water leaks), check in on their beloved pets and profit from home automation options.

With a plentitude of key features, AT&T Digital Life is much more than your average . The system includes sensors installed to detect a wide range of threats, from intruders to carbon monoxide, remote access and video cameras showing you what’s happening inside and outside your property. Potential clients who want to test the effectiveness have two alternatives at hand: Simple Security, the basic package, and Smart Security, a second plan displaying superior security features.

AT&T remains committed to providing our customers with easy, fast and affordable ways that allow them to manage and secure their homes all from the touch of their smartphones, tablets and PCs. With the launch of these six new markets, we’re looking forward to making Digital Life available to more customers throughout the country,” stated Kevin Petersen, Digital Life’s President.

Emily Stevenson

Author – Emily is a 10 year veteran of the home security industry working in sales. She was a top sales person at leading home security companies, but has shifted her focus to working on helping consumers make the right decisions.

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