Security System Review News

Category Archives: Home Security System Information


How Long Does It Really Take To Install A DIY Security System?

by 37072 views

The traditional in-home technician installation of home security systems is becoming less and less popular as do it yourself security systems become more widely available. DIY security systems are quick and easy to install and don’t require any drilling or wiring normally. Installing a basic wireless security system could take as little as 25-30 minutes, while systems with more sensors could take up to an hour or a little more. Either way, DIY security systems are not only reliable, they are cost effective and won’t require an intensive installation. Even better, you can move the system to a new home if needed.

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Are You Susceptible To A Home Invasion?

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Home invasions and burglaries are an all too familiar occurrence for many families around the country. While many people feel relatively safe in their communities a home invasion can occur at any time, and has become more prevalent in recent years. Many people are unaware of the risk of a break-in and how to prevent one. Today we’ll share some common burglary statistics and show you how a home security system can greatly alter the likelihood of having your home invaded.

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The Basics Of Home Automation

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Home automation is a fast growing trend among homeowners and home security companies. Home automation allows you to install devices that can control your appliances. Home automation not only helps you better control your home appliances, but become more energy efficient as well.

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Security System 101: What Happens When Your System Goes Off?

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Many homeowners who have home security systems have never had their system go off. Most of them don’t know what actually happens when the system is triggered. On the other hand, there are many misconceptions about system’s going off for no reason or false alarm happening in abundance. Today we’re here to quell the myths and state the facts about what really happens when your security system is set off.

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5 Best Security Companies of 2014

by 5476 views

Each year the team at re-evaluates its list of the best security companies and comes up with new company rankings. As we’re nearly a quarter of the way through 2014 it’s once again time to show our list of the best security companies in the nation.


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Best Ways To Obtain A Price Quote For A Home Security System study holistic nutrition online

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With much of the country buried under snow, ice, and frigid temperatures many homeowners are taking the time to research home security systems and get a quote for a home security system. For those that haven’t yet obtained a quote or are looking for the best way to obtain a security system price quote we have some helpful tips for you. Here are some of the best ways to get a quote on a home security system.

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Three Things You Might Not Know About Security Systems kidney didease

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Home security systems have been around, in some form or another, for a long long time. I mean, what do you think the moat around the castle was for?! Despite the fact that the existence of security systems is common knowledge, there are still many things people don’t know about them – and there are still a large number of homes without a home security system installed! Whether you have a security system installed in your home or not, there are still a few things you can learn that you may not have known.

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What’s The Difference Between Wireless & Cellular?

by 5039 views

Wireless security systems are the safest and most reliable type of home security system on the market today, especially when they are combined with cellular monitoring. Customers are flocking to the top alarm companies to purchase wireless security systems with cellular monitoring. However, many potential customers are hesitating due to their confusion about wireless and cellular. What exactly does wireless mean? What exactly does cellular mean? Today we’ll answer that very question.

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Setting Your Home Security System During The Holidays

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The holidays are fast approaching and that means folks will be heading out of town to visit friends and loved ones. The Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday times are some of the most heavy travel times throughout the year. While this is a happy time for many, it can be a devastating time for those who incur break-ins, burglaries, or worse. Knowing how to properly set your home security system before traveling for the holidays can save you a ton of time and possible headaches.

Holiday Burglar - Home Security Tips For The Holidays

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Why You Need A Home Security System why do cysts form

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When most people think of a home security system they think of sensors on doors, a keypad, and a siren. For a long time this is what a security system was, and many security companies still use the same old equipment without offering anything new to their customers. Luckily, many security companies have decided that newer is certainly better when it comes to home security.

Home Security System - House and Padlock

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Explaining ‘Crash And Smash’ Protection From

by 4993 views

Alarm.Com Crash And Smash Notification is a security system technology provider who created mobile apps and cellular monitoring devices for home security companies. Companies such as FrontPoint Security and Protect America use the cellular modules in their security systems so customer can take advantage of cellular monitoring and the mobile app technology. technology also allows security companies to promise the most reliable service with nearly “non-defeatable” security systems. This is also known as the “crash and smash technology.

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Common Questions About Home Automation Systems

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The staff at Security System Reviews receives a ton of questions every week on any number of topics including how we rank security system companies, the effectiveness of wireless security systems, and of course the need for home automation systems. We thought it would be helpful to our followers to provide these questions and answers to some of the more common questions. Today we’ll share with you some of the common questions about home automation systems.

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Expert Security System Reviews Vs. Customer Reviews

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Security system reviews are some of the most used information for consumers shopping for a new home security system. There are few different types of security system reviews, however, and not all of them should be weighted equally. The two most common types of security system reviewsare expert security system reviews and customer security system reviews./p>

Expert Reads Security System Review

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Best Security Systems For Vacation Homes

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Many people around the U.S. not only have their primary residence but also own a second home or vacation home. Finding the best security system for a vacation home may not be the same as finding one for your primary residence. You may want different features, different devices, and may be limited by what your vacation home has or doesn’t have – such as wireless internet. So what should you look for when finding the bestsecurity system for your vacation home?

Vacation House Security System

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Why Maintaining Your Home Security System Is Important

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Anyone can have a home security system installed, use it, and then let it sit. However, just like with other appliances or systems in your home maintaining your home security system is important to it working the way you want it to. Many folks are unsure how to maintain their security system, but it’s really a pretty simple thing. Here’s a few things you can do to make sure your home security system is working at its best.

Woman Checks On Home Security Sensor

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Top Questions About Wireless Security Systems

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Wireless Security System Tower

Most major home security companies in the U.S. now offer some form or wireless security system. With many other devices in the home now being wireless, many homeowners are also flocking to wireless security systems to protect their home. One thing many homeowners are finding out, however, is that they have more questions than answers when it comes to installing a wireless security system. The sheer fact that wireless security systems are still fairly new to the industry is the primary culprit, so today we’re going to share some of the top question we receive on the topic.

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Choosing The Best Security System For You

by 3249 views

Best Security System Keypad

Whether you’ve owned a home security system in the past or are looking to have one installed in your home finding the best security system for your needs can be difficult, especially if you don’t know what you need or what you want. There are a few things you should think about when trying to find the best security system for you.

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Deciding On A Do It Yourself Security System

by 2987 views

Do it yourself security systems are all the rage these days. But are they for everyone? Today we’ll explore whether or not a do it yourself security system is right for you, and how to go about choosing a DIY security system vs. other options. So, is a do it yourself security system right for you? Let’s find out.

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Negotiating Security System Pricing

by 43272 views

It’s no secret that consumers want the absolute best price for products these days. A tougher economy the last several years has made consumers, like you, more aware of pricing and available discounts. It’s no different when it comes to negotiating security system pricing. Negotiating security system pricing is not a skill that needs years of practice, with a little bit of simple research you can be on top of your game when it comes to purchasing a new home security system and getting the best possible price.

Continue reading Provides New Wireless Security Cameras

by 109252 views

Within the last year, the leader in cellular security system monitoring and wireless security cameras, released several new camera models now being used by many wireless security companies nationwide. previously offered only three camera options, a Fixed Wireless Security Camera (Indoor), a Pan/Tilt Wireless Security Camera (Indoor), and a Hard Wired Security Camera (Outdoor). Many wireless security system customers were yearning for more options from their wireless security companies, so responded.

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Security System Reviews Are Best Resource For Consumers

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Security System Reviews Thumbs Up

Potential security system customers are looking towards security system reviews more and more when making a decision on a new home security system. Expert security system reviews along withsecurity company customer reviews can be extremely helpful. However, it’s a good idea to know what’s behind the security system reviews when it comes to experts or customers.

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Security System Contract Specifics

by 12521 views

Every security system company has a slightly different contract. The details differ, but the general concept is the same. The details of the contract, including the price and length of contract should be a determinate of your security system choice. If you’re signing something for 2+ years, you are going to want to make sure that you’re happy with everything in the contract.

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Fire Alarms in the Top Security Systems

by 3313 views

Fires are a huge cause of property damage and fatalities all across the United States. And when we say big, we mean 15,000 injuries or fatalities a year. That puts it as the #3 cause of fatalities in the United States. The biggest thing about fires is that they are generally on accident and by surprise. The more effective way to protect yourself is with a fire alarm or home fire monitoring.

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Best Features in the Top Security Systems

by 2778 views

If the employee of a security system company is not excited about the product and not willing to give you a grace period, it probably isn’t one of the top security systems out there. Trust us on this one, you’re going to want the top security system available to you. You could potentially be signing a contract for 2 years. You’re going to want the best thing out there for you. That means doing a little research and reading security system reviews to find out what’s best.

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Pet Friendly Security Systems

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Security systems can be adjusted to fit the needs of your family. That includes your furry family members too. Historically, security systems might not have been best for homes with cats or dags in them. Recently that has changed. Security systems have been adjusted and now offer a variety of options when it comes to figuring out what will work best for you and your family.

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Avoid False Alarms with Your Security System!

by 2688 views

False alarms are a real bother in security systems. Not only can they cost you extra money/a small fee, you will be wasting the time of your hard working emergency personnel. It’s vry important that you don’t have false alarms in your home of the regular. A quality security system should be able to help you out with this, though so don’t worry too much.

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How Social Media Can Change Your Security System

by 2656 views

Security systems are a necessity with the prevalence of social media nowadays. How many social media outlets do you utilize? How about your kids? Changes are between the family, or just you, there is a pretty decent number.Let’s list off a few of your options: Facebook, Linked In, Four Square, Vine, Twitter… the list goes on! So what does any of this have to do with your security system? Quite a bit actually.

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Security System Companies Can Save Your Life

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Security systems are installed into your home as a precaution. Most installations happen to set up a defense system between you and a potential burglar. This is the most common and universally accepted use of asecurity system. However, security system companies can save your life in more than one way. Yes, security system companies respond to call for help, but they also contact the authorities if there is a problem.

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Questions to Ask Yourself When Purchasing A Security System

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Before you go and buy a security system, you need to figure out what kind of system you want for your home. That means making a list of the features that you want. In order to meet all of the criteria, it is necessary to organize your thoughts and figure out what in important in your home and the system that you want protecting it. because there are so many option available, it can get a little tricky when it comes to pinning down exactly what you want.

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The 3 Areas on Your Home a Burglar Will Target

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There are 3 big places that a burglar will target when trying to break into a home. Having a security system will help to lower any kind of attempt at breaking into you home by a significant amount. No burglar wants to deal with a security system, loud noises or the police. Most burglars are opportunists, ad they’re seeking an easy in and out into a home.

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