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Category Archives: Home Security System News


Absence of Access Control Does Not Intimidate Workers, Survey Shows

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Access ControlDespite the fact that sophisticated residential and commercial security solutions are widely available at this point, as respectable brands bend over backward to reduce costs and simplify installations, homeowners and business owners are still far from acknowledging the importance offirst-class security systems designed to ensure a superior level of protection and reduce property crime rates around the clock.

A recent survey involving 751 U.S.-based respondents has led to a shocking conclusion: even though companies fail to implement proper measures of precaution in order to completely eliminate security threats, prevent burglary attempts and unauthorized access, most employees still feel safe and comfortable in their working environments and do not realize that their safety and welfare could be put at great risk at any given point in time in the absence of access control.

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New Remote Monitoring Solution Brought to Building Owners from the Tri-State Area

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More and more sophisticated commercial and residential security systems are launched on the market every single year by reputable security specialists seeking to offer homeowners and business owners a simple, efficient, and affordable way to prevent property crimes and increase their level of protection in different environments.

This time, the good news comes from Managed Services, the brand-new division of an already well-known player in the security industry, World Wide Security Group/CG Alarm. Managed Services lends a helping hand to building owners and building managers from the Tri-state area, offering them the chance to profit from an ingenious solution based on live personnel and premium automated technology. The main goal is to simplify their daily assignments, while enabling them to make the most of considerable financial savings. From this point of view, remote monitoring seems to be the best answer to most challenges, promising excellent results and triggering reduced costs.

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Video Verified Alarms Expected to Become Increasingly Popular

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In an attempt to reduce the alarming number of property crimes taking place every single year, home security system providers have done everything in their power to come up with innovative solutions designed to help homeowners and business owners protect their valuable belongings around the clock.

Over the past few years, video alarm verification solutions created and implemented by several respectable manufacturers have demonstrated their effectiveness, generating the satisfaction of millions of clients all across the U.S. Video alarm verification added to the owner’s security system guarantees a series of much-needed improvements, including reduced responsetime (of five minutes or less), no false alarms, and increased apprehension rates.

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Common Mistakes That Encourage Burglars to Target a Certain Property Revealed by Survey

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Most of the homeowners who were forced to deal with the unpleasant consequences of a burglary attempt at some point know exactly how stressful and traumatizing such a negative experience could be. Burglary attempts trigger considerable expenses and extensive property damages, and somehow stop all family members affected by this unpleasant event from feeling safe and comfortable in their own environment for a long period of time. Undoubtedly, for most homeowners break-ins are dramatic events. But are they the result of bad luck or the main effect of gross negligence?

A recent 2013 survey, conducted by Nationwide on U.S. homeowners over 18, suggests that simple measures of precaution could easily deter perpetrators. The same source indicates that in most cases, family members are negligent and unwillingly send “open invitations” to burglars looking for easy prey. According to the conclusions of the Nationwide survey, 25% of all respondents have left their front door unlocked at least once in 2013 while being away from home. Moreover, it seems that no less than 35% have left their ground-floor or first floor-window unlocked, while 34% have forgotten to lock their windows located on the second floor and on higher floors. Furthermore, 19% of the respondents have left their side doors unlocked, sending an indirect invitation to perpetrators operating in their area.

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Home Security Companies Are Ready to Promote Hosted Video Surveillance More Effectively

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Advanced, sophisticated, yet extremely simple to use security systems represent a valuable asset for all people seeking a higher level of protection for their businesses and homes. While numerous home security companies are trying to promote their analog solutions in front of their targeted audience, giant players in this sector acknowledge the fact that hosted video surveillance will become the next powerful trend in this overcrowded market. As clients are looking for more effective home security system equipment to deter potential perpetrators and turn their properties into 100% safe, increasingly comfortable environments, security specialists are fully aware of the fact that cloud storage and professional service solutions represent the perfect alternative to hardware installation.

Why would customers be so tempted to invest in hosted video surveillance in the first place? Service providers talk about at least three great reasons to go down this path, including easy conversion, cost-efficiency, and various supplementary services designed to protect and stimulate the development of small and medium-size businesses, including remote data storage and enhanced cash protection, for instance.

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Home Security Companies Are Ready to Face New Competitors, Study Shows

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As more and more homeowners start to acknowledge the importance of a home security system designed and implemented to deter perpetrators and ensure the highest level of protection around the clock, residential alarm products have become increasingly popular all across the U.S. As a matter of fact, the home security systems market has started to flourish over the past few years, and new players seem to appear overnight, seeking to get their hands on the biggest slice of the pie. In this context, one question still remains unanswered: Are the traditional home security companies ready to respond to this challenge in an effective manner?

According to a recent study, introduced by IMS Research, the overall penetration rate for home security products currently available on U.S. territory will grow by up to 8% over the next 3 years. This means that new devices will be launched on an already overcrowded market, dazzling millions of potential buyers and surprising them with technological advances and hi-tech features while providing more effective answers to important security concerns.

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New App Turns Old iPhones and iPads into Convenient Home Security Systems

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Presence iOS Home Security AppMillions of iPhones and iPads are sold annually in the U.S. to respond to the necessities and demands of enthusiastic gadget fans. After a certain period of time, for one reason or another, all buyers feel the need to upgrade or replace their devices. What if they could actually give a new meaning to their old iPhones and iPads, instead of throwing them away? A fresh story, told by a Gene Wang, an entrepreneur who’s behind a very ambitious project and a cost-free home security app, indicates the fact that the iPads and iPhones that we no longer use could easily be converted into highly accessible home security systems, triggering considerable financial savings.

Gene Wang started looking for the best alternative to traditional home security systems after his mother’s house had been targeted by skilled burglars for the second time in just one year. Instead of investing in premium, insanely expensive home security equipment, dealing with installation costs and paying high monthly fees, Wang choose a different approach. His search for the incredibly convenient security solution led to the creation of the Presence App, a cost-free app that instantly transforms any Wi-Fi-enabled iPhone or iPad into an extremely effective home security camera, guaranteeing a high level of protection for any property.

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Reports of Burglaries for the Month of August are Increasing

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Recent reports indicate that August is now the month where burglaries occur most often. This may be due to the fact that people leave their doors and windows open at night to cool down their homes, are often away during the day, and are gone for extended summer vacations with the family. While these burglaries are on the rise in alarming numbers, there are several things homeowners can do to protect their homes during the dog days of summer.

Ideal Partners, a company that specializes in home security, reminds homeowners on their website that there are several simple ways to deter burglars.

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Virginia Home Health Monitoring Company Offers New Approach to Medical Alerts

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A number of home security companies include home health monitoring and medical alerts as a part of their services, but many of them are not as far-reaching as those who suffer from chronic afflictions would like. While it’s important for the elderly or those who suffer from an illness to have the option of a panic button, many of these services do not include day-to-day monitoring. BeClose, a small company that operates out of Vienna, Va., recently paired up with to offer those who suffer from chronic illness a more comprehensive program when it comes to daily monitoring of their symptoms.

Panic buttons work only 20 percent of the time, and that’s not good enough [. . .] we’re very focused on wellness and safety,” asserts Liddy Manson, the CEO of BeClose.

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Home Security Systems, Preparedness, Can Minimize Hurricane Damage

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Most homeowners know that hurricane damage can be devastating to a home and property. High winds and flooding can smash windows, buckle doors, tear the roof off, and water damage can destroy almost everything left inside the home. However, those who want to protect their home from an impending hurricane can use a combination of preparedness and their existing home security system to minimalize damage to the home both during and after the hurricane. While nothing can ensure that the home will not be damaged during these powerful storms, preparing for them and knowing how to use the home’s security system to monitor the property can possibly minimize that damage and keep homeowners and their families safe.

The Protect America website notes that many homeowners do not utilize their home security systems to their full extent during extreme weather and do not consider how they might help.

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Free Police Patrols for Vacationing Families Offers Peace of Mind, Safety

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Police carOne major concern for many homeowners who take extended vacations during the summer or over a holiday is how to keep their home secure when they’re away. While having the neighbors check in and setting the alarm system can be effective, some homeowners may worry whether or not this is enough. However, what they may not know is that their local law enforcement can help with free police patrols to enhance the safety of their empty home. These checks are available in many different cities across the U.S., although the majority of homeowners aren’t aware they are an option when it comes to keeping their homes safe.

According to the Protect America website, Conway, Arkansas, is just one city that offers these free checks. Conway Police Department spokesperson LaTresha Woodruff spoke to Arkansas Matters:

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Missouri, Other Areas Are Now Outsourcing Home Security False Alarms

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false alarmMissouri has opted to outsource the handling of home security system false alarms, joining several other cities that are now saving time and money by taking it out of the hands of local police and into those of companies that exclusively monitor and track false alarms, as well as bill those homeowners who have an excess of false alarms. By outsourcing this kind of monitoring and billing to larger companies, it will save the cities that do so a number of problems, such as a lack of manpower to deal with these false alarms, budget drains, and efficiency issues.

Leif Kothe, a contributor to the Security Systems News website, reports:

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Honeywell Offers Cities a New Approach to Saving Energy

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Honeywell, a company well known for its security system innovation and quality products, is now helping the U.S. save energy in a city-by-city program that is the first of its kind. In an effort to help cities conserve energy, avoid rolling blackouts, and for individual homeowners to save money, the company is offering wireless home thermostat controls that will monitor and reduce unnecessary energy consumption. The thermostat, which is known as the Honeywell Total Connect Comfort ADR, will be distributed throughout a number of cities at no cost to the consumer and allow them to save both money and energy.

Security Systems News website contributor Tess Nacelewicz notes that a June 2013 newspaper article from the St. Paul Pioneer Press reported the following:

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Those Over 65 Are Being Targeted for Home Security Fraud

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Home security fraud is becoming more common in the U.S., and recent reports show that people over 65 are becoming definite targets. Fraudulent companies and individuals are using a variety of techniques to confuse, bully, and otherwise push the elderly into buying home security systems they don’t need and that cost thousands of dollars to cancel. In order for elderly homeowners to protect themselves from incidents like this, they need to know what they can do in order to stop fraud before it starts, as well as the kinds of scams of which they should be aware.

Elderly or widowed women who live alone are common targets of home security fraud.

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Potter Electric Signal Co. Announces New Fire Monitoring System

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Potter Electric Signal Co.This week, Potter Electric Signal Co. is unveiling a brand-new fire alarm panel that may save the lives of apartment dwellers all over the country. The new system, which is a panel that is made to monitor a building’s sprinkler system and includes built-in options for setting up a fire alarm, is one of the first of its kind. The panel will offer the dual convenience of both afire alarm system and also give building owners the opportunity to bring older buildings up to code when it comes to their sprinkler monitoring equipment.

Craig Summers, national sales manager for Potter, an independent fire manufacturer based here, told Security Systems News that the company believes “we’ve got a winner” with the PFC-6006 Sprinkler Monitoring Panel. The new solution is ideal for the many buildings that have fire sprinklers but no fire alarm systems, he said. Summers explained, “Fire sprinkler systems usually by code are required to be monitored by a central station.” Up until now, he said, two solutions have been available to do that, but both have drawbacks.”

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Identity Fraud, Impersonation of Law Enforcement Personnel Increasing

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Most homeowners today teach their children to seek out a policeman or some other authority figure if they are ever alone or need help. However, that advice is becoming all the more questionable as incidents of identity fraud and impersonation are on the rise. Every day, people are exposed to robbery and home invasion because they opened the door to a uniformed policeman; however, homeowners should be aware that simply because the individual at their door is wearing a uniform, that does not identify them as a cop, and that they should take steps to further verify their identity.

Chaby Barasa, a writer and contributor to the Daily News Tanzania online, reports:

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Personal Information in Junk Mail Can Lead to Identity Theft

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Identity TheftMost homeowners are not aware that they have become the victim of identity theft until their credit is already ruined, and in many cases, they are completely unaware that something as simple as tossing out their old bills and junk mail was the cause. Every year, people throw away thousands of pounds of junk mail, credit card offers, unpaid bill reminders, and other sensitive documents that can give thieves an edge when it comes to obtaining private information. Once criminals have this information, they can destroy an individual’s credit in the space of weeks, causing far-reaching effects that can wreak havoc in a large number of ways.

While many homeowners don’t think twice about their junk mail, it can be an open door for those who make a habit of going through people’s trash in order to find credit card information and other personal information. The Washington State Office of the Attorney General’s website recommends that the best way to keep this from happening is to invest in a paper shredder.

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Professional Hackers May Target More Than Just Homes in the Future

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Professional HackersRecent reports have indicated that today’s thieves have turned into cyber-criminals, using high-tech devices such as hacking software and Wi-Fi scanners to gain access into homeowners’ properties. However, this kind of hacking is now threatening the safety of wireless-enabled cars as well, allowing thieves to gain control of Bluetooth devices and other features in newer cars that allow connectivity. This kind of thievery might also include a number of wireless devices, such as smartphones and tablets, as these modern-day criminals are discovering ways to steal passwords and other important data from these devices without the user even being aware of it.

Charlie Miller, a security researcher at Twitter, and Chris Valasek, director of security intelligence at IOActive, a security research company, recently demonstrated car hacks at the DefCon computer securityconferences in Las Vegas. The researchers completely disabled a driver’s ability to control a vehicle. No brakes. Distorted steering. All with a click of a button. While the demos were with hybrid cars, researchers warn that dozens of modern vehicles could be susceptible. Hackers and security researchers are moving away from simply trying to break into — or protect — people’s email accounts, stealing credit cards, and other dirty digital deeds. Now they’re exploring vulnerabilities to break through the high-tech security of homes, cause car accidents, or in some extreme cases, kill people who use implanted medical devices.”

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iOS Home Security App Breathes New Life Into Old iPhones, iPads

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Presence iOS Home Security AppWhile the sales of home security systems are on the rise, there are still a great many homeowners whose budget would be stretched too far by the cost of installation, equipment rental, and monthly monitoring fees. However, they now have a new option when it comes to setting up a monitoring system in their homes, especially if they have older Apple devices such as iPhones and iPads. A brand-new iOS home security app, which is called Presence, now gives homeowners the ability to turn their older devices into home security devices, allowing them to protect their homes without the exorbitant fees.

The new device will not only allow homeowners to save a great deal of money on a home monitoring system, but it will also give them the opportunity to recycle their old iOS devices in a positive and useful manner. The creator of the app, Gene Wang, says that there are a number advantages to this app.

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Robbery, Home Invasion Risk Higher for Single Women

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Home invasion riskMany homeowners buy home security systems to protect their families, but security system companies often ignore the fact that those who live alone are at a higher risk for victimization when it comes to burglary and home invasion. In fact, single women who live alone are in the highest risk group, yet many of them live in apartments and homes without any kind of alarm system in place. Inorder to remain safe and protected from harm, single women should consider having some kind of security in place, whether they opt for a trigger alarm or home monitoring.

The Iron Security‘s main website explains how single women can feel more confident living alone when there’s a security system in place.

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Toxic Risks May Exist in Homes without Homeowner Knowledge

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Toxic Risks: Lead PaintEach year, homeowners invest hundreds of dollars in home security systems in order to protect their families. However, what they may not know is that there are dangers that already exist and they could already be putting their family at risk. Home contaminants are often silent killers that threaten the safety and security of one’s home, and sadly, the deadly effects are discovered much too late. There are several of these toxic risks that are the most common, and modern-day homeowners should be aware of their existence, as well as the dangers they can pose.

Lead is one of the deadliest toxins that many homeowners unwittingly live with every day. While newer homes have little to no risk of exposing their owners to lead, if a home is well over twenty years old, the risk of lead exposure increases. The Natural Resources Defense Council reports:

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Reports: New Home Invasion Scams Spreading Across the Nation

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Home invasion scamsMost homeowners who buy home security systems and other monitoring equipment believe that their homes are safe when no one is home; however, a new and dangerous trend has been developing in cities and urban areas all over the country that poses an immediate threat to any family member—home invasion scams. Individuals are concocting new and clever scams to gain entrance to people’s homes, and in order for homeowners to protect their families, they must become aware of these scams and remain vigilant whenever anyone approaches their door.

Voaaina, a website that promotes the well-being of families and their safety, reports:

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Small Items, Electronics Most Likely Stolen in Home Burglary

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Home burglaryWhen most homeowners think of burglaries, they think of thieves carrying large framed works of art and big-screen televisions out of a home, but recent studies paint a starkly different picture of what really happens when thieves break into a house. While people might think it is their large electronics and expensive furniture that’s at risk, in reality, today’s criminals move quickly, take only what they can carry easily, and steal only what’s visible to them.

In order to keep a home’s small valuables safe, they should be hidden out of sight and not in places where burglars will know where to look. The Resist Attack Foundation, a website that offers safety advice for women, says of robberies:

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Home Video Surveillance Use is Increasing human eye anatomy

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home video surveillanceHome video surveillance is becoming more popular among families who either already have a home security system installed or who are looking to increase the security around their homes. Many security system companies are also now offering these cameras as a part of their new technology packages, allowing homeowners to keep an eye on their homes and families via their smartphones, tablets, or laptops. In a nation where both parents must often work full time in order to support their families, these cameras are a vital part of home security for many people.

Allison Manning, a reporter for The Columbus Dispatch website, writes:

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Many Homeowners Neglect Tablet, Smartphone Security

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Smartphone SecurityWhile there are many home security issues that homeowners make it their business to address, there is one major security risk in many homes that they may never consider. A homeowner’s smartphone or personal tablet often contains a great deal of personal information. Many people keep their entire address book on their phones and tablets, along with sensitive data and documents, bank information that is stored in their apps, and other personal information that could spell disaster for the owner if the device is stolen or lost. While there are some security features on most smartphones and some tablets, many owners either are not aware of them or do not use them because they don’t believe their device will ever be lost or stolen.

Ryan Whitwam, a tech contributor at Extreme, explains how homeowners who use a cellphone can protect their sensitive information from phone thieves or hackers. He recommends:

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Increased Connectivity is a Major Home Security Systems Selling Point, Studies Show

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security systemsRecent studies have suggested that the more connectivity and mobile features a home security company can offer homeowners, the more likely they are to buy it and also suggest that company to other people. This data suggests that affordability is not the only key selling point when it comes to home security systems. In this age of ever-increasing technology, the more mobile options and apps a person has access to, the more likely they are to buy the technology associated with them.

Tom Kerber, a Park Associates research director of home controls and energy, says:

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Reps Must Keep Pace with Today’s Home Security Technology to Effectively Assist Homeowners

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Home Security RepHomeowners who are considering making an investment in a home security system sometimes run the risk of going with a company that hires inexperienced technicians and representatives. When these companies fail to properly train their employees in the latest home security technology, not only could this possibly threaten the security of the home, but it might also cause homeowners to spend a great deal more money on equipment they don’t need because of the inaccurate or inferior advice they’ve received. Before any homeowner buys a security system through a professional company, they should inquire or investigate their technicians’ training and how in step they are with today’s modern security technology.

Steve Malia, the vice president of engineering services at North American Video, asserts that keeping pace with security technology is vital in order for any home security employee. He recently wrote:

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Number Pad Door Locks Lessen Chances of Entrance Key Misuse

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Number Pad Door LocksOne of the most common home security tips that homeowners probably see is to never hide a front door key under their doormat, in a nearby flower pot, or even under a fake rock in the front garden. This is because many professional thieves often know where to look for these keys and can easily gain entrance to the home when no one is there. A great many robberies have occurred because of people hiding keys like this, and often, where there is no sign of forced entry or because the key was used, filing an insurance claim or a police report becomes much more difficult. In order to combat this problem, some security and locksmith companies have recently begun to sell number pad door locks that operate with keyless entry. These locks, which require no key, can only be unlocked by someone who knows the code, thus eliminating the need to hide keys around the home and put the property at risk.

The Home Security News website reports that the average criminal is much smarter than one might think when it comes to finding hidden keys around the exterior of a home.

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The Cost of Crime Far Outweighs Home Security Costs, Study Shows

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Many homeowners who consider buying a home security system or security system equipment often hesitate because they worry about what it might cost. Depending on which company they choose and the options they want to pay for, some monthly fees can climb to $50-$75, which can prove steep for many middle-class homeowners who are already paying a mortgage. However, a recent study that was conducted by Home Security North shows that a break-in could end up costing homeowners a great deal more than the total monthly fee of a monitoring system, putting them at great financial risk.

The report from Home Security North, completed and published in July of 2013, reveal:

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ADT’s Recent Polls Show That Home Security Concerns Are Low Among American Households

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open windowWhile sales for home security and monitoring systems are consistently on the rise, a recent poll released by ADT about how homeowners use their systems and their safety practices overall shows that many individuals are either ignorant of home security practices or are careless in using their equipment. Of those families that were polled, over 75 percent believed that their homes were quite safe and felt secure in their security practices. However, this poll also showed that many Americans are lax in this area, putting their homes and families at risk of burglary and even injury.

ADT asserts that “one-third of those polledwho own a security system keep it turned on at all times, and only 6 in 10 own carbon monoxide detectors. The survey also found that 29 percent of those polled own a security and automation system.”

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