Security System Review News

Evesham Law Enforcement Apprehend Sixteen-Year-Old Suspects Involved in Rash of Residential Burglaries


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3d illustration. Home insurance protection, a shield and a houseThese days, when the number of property crimes keeps hitting new record values on an annual basis, it’s no longer a secret that you can never be toocareful when it comes to protecting the things that you love the most. While there are many other useful and convenient methods to deter potential perpetrators, a top security system should still be considered a real necessity by security-conscious family members who don’t want to take any chances.

Many people think that perpetrators have to own and utilize hi-tech equipment to break inside a home without raising any suspicious. Unfortunately, at this point in time, even teenagers know how to burglarize an unsecured property in record time.

They have unlimited access to a large amount of information enabling them to commit criminal acts. Moreover, numerous owners actually simplify their mission, by refusing to install the best security system, by forgetting to arm the system, or by leaving the windows and doors unlocked.

Occasional burglars don’t sleep in front of your property, hoping to see you stash your key under the doormat. In most cases they simply know your schedule and your daily habits and don’t hesitate to try their luck. This appears to be the case of two 16-year-olds who have been recently apprehended by Evesham law enforcement representatives and accused of burglarizing no less than 6 properties located in the Kings Grant area.

So far, police officers involved in this investigation have managed to recover a significant amount of cash and a wide range of stolen goods, including electronics and clothing items. This string of property crimes proves once again that stealing valuable belongings from a poorly secured household can be considered a child’s play.

Kings Grant residents who have been living in terror for the pastfew weeks have learned their lesson and can now breathe at ease, knowing that the two suspects are preparing for their first court appearance. If you want to avoid such an unpleasant situation and discourage local perpetrators who may be tempted to target your house, start by implementing a few measures of precaution. Compare security systems and select the best one in your price range, with help from a security expert. Keep your property well-lit at all times, trim the shrubbery and the tall trees that surround your house and stop hiding your key under your doormat or your outdoor flower pot.

Furthermore, store ladders, gardening tools, patio furniture and any other elements that could easily enable uninvited guests to break into your home and steal your priceless possessionsin the blink of an eye.

“Each year in the U.S. there are more than five million home burglaries. Nine out of ten of these crimes are preventable. The risk of being burglarized can be greatly reduced. […] Remember the greatest weapons in the fight to prevent burglaries are light, time, and noise,” representatives from Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, who are involved in a simple and effective crime prevention program.

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