Security System Review News

Facts About Security System Pricing


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Figuring out the economics of something can be difficult, especially if you’re not necessarily “business savvy”. However, being a savvy consumer is very similar, and if you can determine why prices are what they are you’ll be able to make more informed purchasing decisions. Remember the adage “cheaper doesn’t always mean better”? Well, that is true for a lot of things. Security systems is definitely one them. Let’s take a look at some facts about security system pricing that will allow you to make an informed security system purchase.

Security System Pricing: Up-Front Cost

The up-front cost for security system equipment is determined by a number of factors. The most common way an up-front price is determined is how long your security system contract is. Most security system companies offer contracts from 2-5 years give or take. If your security system contract is shorter the discount off of your equipment cost will like be smaller, whereas if your contract is longer and more standard you’ll get a better discount off of the equipment.

The amount of equipment you purchase can also have an effect on the up-front price. The most equipment you need the higher your price will be. Remember though, getting away with the “bare minimum” isn’t always a great thing to do, however, you can add sensors later to many wireless alarm systems. So if you wanted home automation features and cameras and the whole shebang but your budget will only allow for the essentials at the start, don’t worry, you can always add as you go. Plus, home automation and cameras aren’t really “security” devices, they are more for convenience than anything else.

Security System Pricing: Monthly Monitoring Cost

The monthly monitoring cost may be determined by a number of factors as well. In fact, the up-front equipment costs and contract lengths can also have an effect on your monthly price. The security system companies that essentially give away “free” systems almost always have the higher monthly monitoring fees. They keep your cost down up front but your monthly fee will make up for the lost money later. Depending on whether you want to pay more or less up-front could determine your monthly fee.

Another factor could be contract length. The longer you sign up for your monthly fee could be lower. Some security companies will have set prices for everything though, and thisnormally ideal as it clears confusion and makes it easy to see why the price is what it is – plus everyone is getting the same pricing mostly and it avoids someone paying less or more for the same service just because they purchased during the “promotional period”.

Security System Pricing: The Extras

Some things that could add to your up-front cost or your monthly fee could be things like home automation equipment, security cameras, online access, or other “non-traditional” security features that many security companies now offer. A lot of these things can make your lives easier and are worth the small extra charge. Another cost that may be “hidden” or not thought of is getting a security system permit. Some jurisdictions require a permit for any home that has a security system installed, this is mainly so they can keep track of who has security systems and can avoid false alarms.

Overall, security system pricing is pretty easy to understand if you do a little research and call a few companies. You’ll begin to get an idea of which security systems have value over others and why. Reading our security system reviews are a great start to finding out which companies interest you the most. And don’t forget to follow our security system blog for more security system news and tips.

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