23 Apr
by SecurityGuide
We have reviewed some of the best security systems out there! But there is a lot of information out there that you’ll need to digest before choosing. We wanted to cut down the features and give you some of the “non-negotiable” items when it comes to choosing the best security system for you.
Features Of The Best Security Systems
- 1) Good security company customer service. Seems like a no-brainer, but we thought we’d point it out anyway. Who wants to deal with a security company that doesn’t value their customers? No one! In order to have the best security system out there, you need a good product and excellent customer service. You want a company that gives you all the information and answers your questions.
- 2) A money back guarantee. You want to know if you’re getting the best security system out there? Well, make sure that the security system company is going to stand behind their products. A company that is confident that you are not going to return their home security system should make you confident in purchasing it. Different securitysystem companies have different lengths and terms, but it may be tough to sign up unless you get some kind of risk free trial; and if you aren’t offered a trial of some kind, it probably isn’t one of the best security systems on the market.
- 3) Security system options, options, and more options! You might request and install one thing, and 6 months later realize that you really should have gotten something else, like video monitoring or home automation system equipment. You want to make sure that the security company you are purchasing from gives you variety. This also means you have the option of getting a professional installation or a DIY security system – although with most DIY security companies you won’t need the professional option. It also could mean that you have the ability to do some off-site monitoring or you have multiple control panels in your home.
- 4) Finally, we highly recommend purchasing a wireless security system. The best security systems out there are wireless with cellular monitoring. Why? Logistically, a wireless system is easier to install but it also makes it harder for a burglar to turn your alarm system off or defeat. There are no blatant wires to cut. A cellular security system means that the security system is connected via cell towers and not traditional phone lines. So if phone lines are cut, your alarm system will still work just as well.
Overall, we recommend the best security systems have these “non-negotiable” options before you make the purchase. These may be deal breakers for some and just suggestions to others, but they are definitely something to keep in mind. To learn more about each security company and system we suggest reading our extensive security system reviews. Also continue to follow our security system blog for more security system news and tips!