Recent U.S. census reports show that over ten percent of the population is now over the age of 65. Of this ten percent, many individuals live alone or have the desire to remain independent, despite the growing risk of injury due to slips and falls, or the danger of being targeted for home invasion. However, in an effort to keep seniors safe and to give their grown children peace of mind, the Home Security Store has introduced their SilverCare Personal Daily Living Assistant. This personal can be worn around the wrist and allow any elderly individual to not only call for help during an emergency, but also to dial 911, autodial preset phone numbers, and even control the lighting in their home, all with the touch of a button.
Michael Sise, MD of Scripps Mercy Hospital, says that seniors who live alone are in greater danger of becoming injured in a fall.
Once you fall, particularly if you break something, there’s a good chance you won’t live independently again, and that’s if you survive. When you’re older and you fall, you can injure your brain, you can break bones, you can break your hip or your spine. It’s a major problem. It can have lifelong implications.”
Elderly people are much more likely to injure themselves or die as the result of a fall than those under the age of 65. This is due to brittle bones or because of degenerative diseases that make them more likely to fall than those who are younger and have better balance. The Home Security Store’s new alert system will allow an elderly person to summon help quickly and communicate with the person or emergency service they contact. Not only can they call for an ambulance or other services, but they can also call loved ones by pre-programming up to six phone numbers on the device, which is designed to be worn like a watch.
Statistics show that about 70% of slip-and-fall accidents occur in the bathroom, and most traditional alert devices don’t allow 2-way communication unless you are close to the base console that attaches to your phone line,” said SilverPlus, Inc. Sales & Customer Care Manager Pam Niemi.
With the Home Security Store’s new system, any elderly person who falls will be able to communicate with those they call, no matter where they are. This new system also includes options for home lighting control and memo alarms for taking medication and other medical necessities. There is no monthly fee for the monitoring, which will help keep seniors safe and independent without the added expense of a usage fee.

Zach Jefferson
Author – Zach has sixyears under his belt as a marketing manager within the home security industry. He is in charge of keeping site information as accurate as possible, while developing new content ideas for consumers.