A rough economy and a depressed job market are responsible for an increase not only in home burglaries, but also in a slight dip in sales as homeowners look for simpler and less expensive solutions to their home security problems. While alarm systems have shown to be effective in protecting the average home, their monthly monitoring fees and installation costs often prove to be a luxury that few homeowners can afford today, especially when they are still paying on their homes. However, there is good news on the horizon for them; there are a number of simple ways they can increase the security of their home by making a few simple but vital changes, which can prevent burglary from happening.
American homes are victims of burglary about every 15 seconds, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. The typical homeowner suffers a loss of nearly $2,000 in stolen goods or property damage.
This monetary loss is often compounded by the fact that some homeowners have a large deductible on their insurance policy, which means that they will have to pay a large amount of money out of pocket in order to replace items such as televisions, computers, and jewelry. However, the best defense in this case is prevention, and even minor actions can help to prevent burglary.
One way that homeowners can prevent burglary is to think about their trash cans and the kinds of trash they are putting out to the curb. For example, if the trash cans and the curb are close to the house and the cans can be dragged to an unlocked window, this makes it easy for a burglar to gain access. All windows and doors that face the street should be locked and if possible, trash receptacles should be locked together with a flexible locking cable so they cannot be moved.
Homeowners should also be aware that thieves often scout a neighborhood to check out if any empty boxes have been thrown away that once contained an expensive electronic item, such as a large television, a computer, or a laptop. Boxes from these itemsshould be broken down and kept inside until trash day or be recycled so that they are never visible from the street.
Visibility is a major factor when it comes to burglary, so any windows that face the street should either be shielded with blinds or curtains during the day, especially when no one is home. Not only do they afford privacy, they also shield any valuables from view. Not all solutions and burglary prevention has to cost a fortune; vigilance and being aware of how a thief views a home can help any homeowner safeguard their property.

Gary Nash
Author – Gary has been with us for 3 years, but already has expert knowledge of the home security industry. He’s in charge of company research and news. Zach works to ensure that the site provides the most accurate and timely news in the industry.