Security System Review News

How Much Can You Rely on Owner-Installed Security Equipment?


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Do you feel safer moving into a house that has such as CCTV cameras and fire alarms, or do you instead end up doubting the reliability of owner-installed security alarms and questioning their worth? Questions raised over liability in recent times make it important for tenants and residents to think about the security systems they are counting on.

There is no doubt that moving into a secured home could cost you significantly more than the average. However, does the presence of a CCTV camera in the building make it secureenough? The role of guards and the dependability of the system certainly come up here. When the owner commits to providing you full security, including guarded coverage, and of course is charging you for it, you expect to be given truly reliable security. Who then is responsible for ensuring the guard does his job?

While homeowners do owe some form of security to their tenants, especially if they are in a high-crime zone, this is usually limited to providing secure door locks, proper lighting systems in all areas of the property, smoke detectors and fire alarms. Law, however, does not compel homeowners to install CCTV surveillance systems or other kinds of home . This means that if you moved in hoping that everything will be taken care of by the owner, and yet a burglary or intrusion took place, you may not necessarily be able to deem the owner responsible for it.

The moral of the story here is to not take things for granted. If you are moving into a new home, do make sure to ask your landlord or owner about the existing security measures on the property. You may well be unsatisfied and wish to install your own security systems to ensure extra safety. At the very least, asking about it will warn you to take serious steps and safeguard your family and valuables.

On the other hand, if the agreement papers state that the owner is providing appropriate and charging you more because of that, it then becomes highly important for you to take a thorough survey of the property and examine the quality of the security system.

If there are CCTV cameras involved, you must check how they are monitored. Will they be monitored by the owner, a guard or by yourself? A CCTV camera on its own isn’t sufficient and must be duly monitored.

By checking all arrangements beforehand, not only can you avoid being overcharged in the name of security but you can also be prepared with additional security if you feel it is required.

Zach Jefferson

Author – Zach has six years under his belt as a marketing manager within the home security industry. He is in charge of keeping site information as accurate as possible, while developing new content ideas for consumers.

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