Security System Review News

Little Known Facts About Wireless Security Systems


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Every once in a while we like to feature a few things about security systems that may not be well known. Most people have an idea of what a security system is, how it works, and what it can do. But there are also several things that you may not have known. Security System Reviews is here to help you learn all you can about your wireless security system (or your soon to be wireless alarm system). So, what are some of the little known facts about wireless alarm systems? Let’s take a look.

Arming/Disarming Individual Sensors

With a wireless alarm system you can actually arm or disarm your security system sensors individually. Many folks think you either have it all on or all off. Wireless security systems give you a lot more flexibility when it comes to arming your system. If you want a downstairs motion sensor to be armed, yet the upstairs motion sensors to stay off you can simply bypass the sensors you don’t want armed. You can do this with any sensor in your system.

Use Your Security System For Notifications

When a security system is disarmed you can create a setting so that the Control Panel will let out a “chime” or some other customized noise when a certain sensor is triggered. Most people will use the chime for door sensors or window sensors, but it can also be used to keep track of children or to make sure no one gets in to the liquor cabinet. Not to mention with newer security system technology like interactive monitoring you can receive these notifications through a text message or an email while you’re away from the home.

Use Your Security System To Call For Help

On many wireless security systems there are buttons on your Control Panel or keypad that are used in “panic” situations. If you have an emergency at your home you can use the panic buttonson your alarm system to call for help. For some this is much easier and quicker than calling an emergency phone number, especially if there is not a phone nearby.

Keep An Eye On The Family Pet

With wireless security cameras you can keep tabs on the goings on at your home while you are away. This could include making sure the kids get home from school OK or aren’t having any friend over while you are out of town! You can also use security cameras to keep an eye on your pet while you are at work or away from the house. Security cameras can also be used to catch an intruder, so there are many uses for a wireless security camera.

The above are just a few of the not so common things people know about a wireless security system. Hopefully this list will help you get the full potential out of your home security system an allow you to do some things you may not have known. For more specific details on how to do these things with your own wireless security system we suggest contacting your security system company for instructions and details as they’ll know their security system equipment better than anyone.

To learn more about wireless security systems and security system companies you can read our full security system reviews.

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