Security System Review News

Mobile Home Security Can Be Vulnerable to Attacks, Studies Show


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As and other technologically savvy companies rush to join the mobile app craze, they may be leaving their customers open to a number of security risks, including hacking. As technology increases, so does the presence of thieves who are just as adept at cracking security codes and other supposed safeguards in order to break into homes and businesses. While many new apps can control everything in a home from the security system to the lights and temperature settings, innovative ideas and features are outpacing security hacking solutions, leaving a considerable gap in many mobile home security app systems, creating a perfect opportunity for hackers.

Recently, Black Hat security conventions have displayed how easily an experienced hacker can access mobile security apps that are supposedly secure. According to :

At a Black Hat session, Daniel Crowley demonstrated how a third party can hack into a front-door lock and open it from a computer. He then asked for a random four-digit number from the audience and successfully changed the lock’s code. Crowley says that smart-lock technology is still way too immature to trust. ‘If someone breaks into your house and there’s no sign of forced entry, how are you going to get your insurance company back?’ he said.”

This demonstration illustrates that while mobile home security apps are convenient and even fun, the development of making them secure is lagging behind.

While this is disconcerting, there are several ways homeowners can ensure that their smartphone security apps are secure. They should never choose a personal identification number (PIN) that is easy to guess. Birthdays and other dates that are important to the user might be easy for them to remember, but they are also much too easy for others to guess. They should also avoid using consecutive numbers, (such as 1-2-3) or numbers of the same value consecutively (such as 3377). These combinations make it easier for a hacker to break into an app. Homeowners who choose a random number should never store it on their phones; if the phone is lost or left behind, this can leave their home at great risk. The PIN should also never be texted to someone else, as many hackers are also highly adept at intercepting instant messages and texts. While options and features are being created and improved every day, homeowners should remain vigilant about protecting their mobile security in order to keep their homes and families safe.

Gary Nash

Author – Gary has been with us for 3 years, but already has expert knowledge of the home security industry. He’s in charge of company research and news. Zach works to ensure that the site provides the most accurate and timely news in the industry.

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