The Alarm Industry Research and Education Foundation (AIREF) recently conducted a study to understand the effect the presence of has on the minds of burglars. The results enunciated in the report called “Understanding Decisions to Burglarize from the Offender’s Perspective” are indeed very reassuring.
The study examined the responses of 422 convicted burglars of both genders from across three states – North Carolina, Kentucky and Ohio. According to the study, 80% of burglars said they would check to see if an alarm system or surveillance cameras were present before attempting a burglary and 60% would seek an alternate target ifthey find an alarm system. Only 10% would continue with the burglary in spite of the alarm, whereas more than 40% of burglars would discontinue and beat a retreat if they found that an alarm was present. A vast majority of burglars, which is over 80%, confirmed that they would never attempt to disable an .
Another intriguing revelation that came from the study points at the loopholes in our larger security arrangements. Shockingly, about half of the convicted burglars said they knew that sometimes, once triggered alarms would need to be verified, which would give them some time to complete the task and flee before any police arrived. However, another half still seemed to consider it safe to stay away from alarms no matter how long it took for the officials to arrive.
Interestingly, the study also found disparities in the thoughtprocess of male and female burglars. More males were deterred by physical limitations such as lack of hiding spots, location, proximity and accessibility of the target, steel reinforcements on doors and windows, and escape routes, etc.
Among other findings, it was noted that close to a third of the burglars invested time in planning their mission and investigating the target beforehand. This shows that most offenders act on impulse without any prior planning or preparation. About 50% preferred residential burglary while 31% preferred commercial ventures.
A shocking 90% of the burglars reported that their actions were triggered by drug-related reasons. Often, they needed to procure drugs or the money to buy drugs to support their substance abuse habits. This is a disturbing revelation that further highlights how tightly drug addiction has gripped U.S.A. and is leading youngsters to crime.
The study certainly gives the police a few things to think about. For the residents, one message is loud and clear: Install alarm systems and home security equipment in your homes to prevent burglary, intrusions and other problems. This is a one-time investment that will go a long way in safeguarding your home and family, as well as add immensely to the value of your property.

Tim Eveler
Author & Public Relations – Tim has been working in sales for the home security system industry over twelve years. He’s held positions at large home security companies and in charge of working with the team to create our security system reviews.