Security System Review News

The Right Fire Type of Fire Detector and Extinguisher Could Help You Cheat Death in Case of a Devastating Home Fire


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fire alarmsThese days, modern security systems should be considered a real necessity, not a luxury. With so many appealing, incredibly convenient options at hand, homeowners should purchase and install a top security system tailored to their needs and their budget. Why? The answer is quite simple: during most emergency situations, a top security system can make the difference between life and death.

Even the simplest DIY security systems can provide an elevated level of protection 24/7, by preventing home intrusions and signaling a potential home fire in record time. Numerous American families ignore the fact that residential fires kill more people than all the other natural calamities put together.

According to recent information provided by The National Fire Protection Agency, when your house starts to burn down like a torch, you have approximately 120 seconds to abandon it alive. In these situations, time is of the essence. Moreover, it goes without saying that high-quality, cheap security systems with effective smoke detectors and premium extinguishers can increase your odds of survival.

Of course, there are different types of extinguishers and an overwhelming plentitude of home security systems in your price range, so how could you make an informed purchase? Here’s the most important rule: shop around, discuss your options with residential security specialists, andgo for solutions based on cutting-edge technology.

“The first thing we like residents to remember is to make sure they have a properly working smoke detector .Obviously if that smoke detector hadn’t have been present and going off, then it would have been late knowledge, and much more well advanced, and put more lives in danger. […]There are new detectors that have both technologies in them. An Ionizing detector will pick up a fast moving fire and a photoelectric detector will sense a smoldering fire,” Ricky Shores, Columbus Fire Marshal.

Also, according to Shores, ABC-rated fire extinguishers may be considered an excellent choice by most homeowners who want to limit fire damage. Furthermore, there other extremely effective extra measures of precaution that should be taken into consideration especially during this time of the year, when people start to get into the Christmas spirit and become less cautious.

In order to prevent a devastating home fire, remember to check your indoor and outdoor lighting systems. Don’t place heavy furniture pieces in front of your windows and make sure your hallways are clear at all times. This way, you’d be able to exit your rooms and boost your odds of survival in the event of a fire. Moreover, keep your Christmas tree moist; otherwise it may get dry fast and ignite easily.

The lesson is that even the simplest, most accessible home security systems can save your life and help you overcome the most terrifying emergency situations. Just remember that you have to check your smoke detectors and your security system equipment periodically. By doing so, you could easily identify and address potential flaws that could impact their performance, lower your level of protection and even put your life on the line.

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