Security System Review News

Security System Contracts And What To Look For


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Ok, so you’ve done all of your research. You have read through countless security system reviews. You have learned more about security system equipment than you care to in a lifetime and you have security system pricing nailed down. Now comes times to sign the security system contract. We know, it’s not the most fun part of choosing a new home security system but it is a necessary step, and one that you should not take lightly. Ok, it’s not you’re preparing for a naturaldisaster, but we’re just saying after all the hard work you have put in during your search for a security system you should make sure to take the time to read the security system contract. In case you’re not one for fine print, here are a few things to look out for.

Security system contracts have a lot of standard language you might find in any cell phone contract or home utility contracts and the like. However, there are a few things you should be looking for. One very common clause in the contract is that the security system company has the right to raise your monthly monitoring rate each year. While it is capped at a small percentage, it still means they can boost your rate and you’ll have no say whatsoever. If you can, try to get the security system company to lock in your rate for the duration of your contract and make sure you get something in writing. Even if that means signing the initial agreement first and then getting a separate document confirming the rate lock. An e-mail from a security company employee will work just fine as well.

Next you will want to make sure you know whose name is on the security system contract. If you’re married or are getting a system for a household of people only one person can actually sign the agreement and be responsible for the payments. While for most people this won’t become a problem, you’ll still want to keep note in case a financial issue comes up in the future.

You will also want to keep an eye out for the auto-renewal clause. Many security system contracts will auto-renew for a one year timeframe after the initial contract unless sufficient notice is given. Most security system companies can take you off auto-renewal right after signing the agreement if you wish to do so.

One lesser known item is often the topic of indemnification. In a security system contract this means that the security company is not liable for any damages or losses to a neighbors home or any individuals in the home if there is an incident. Basically if your house had a fire and your neighbors home went down with it the security company is not liable for any damages incurred. Ultimately, this will most likely NEVER come up. You would have to be the king of freak accidents to have this occur, but we still thought it might be helpful for some that are reading through a security system contract and aren’t sure about it.

These are just a few things you should keep an eye out for when reading and signing your security system contract. Hopefully the more common sense items like the length of contract and monthly monitoring fee should be givens.

Security System Reviews is your source for security system reviews, news and tips.

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