Security System Review News

Security System Spotlight: ADT


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Today, we are going to spotlight a longstanding security system company, ADT. ADT is one of (if not THE) most recognizable security system companies out there today – and there is a reason for that. You don’t get to be this popular with a lousy security system and bad service. ADT knows what makes the best security system and they do it well. They’ve been in the security system industry for over 100 years, and in that time they have become a staple of it.

ADT Security offers one of the largest selections of options out there through its “Authorized Dealer” program – meaning vendors from around the country can partner with ADT and sell their products and service. They deliver a lot services for very low prices and it has made them one of the most used security systems in the United States. So, what has helped contribute to this? Don’t be fooled by the “big business” persona that they exude. ADT is very well organized and has thousands of authorized dealers around the country. They do not have a DIY security system so as a result, ADT offers professional installation of their hard wired and wireless security systems. In fact, they only charge you for the installation and not for the actual equipment they are installing in most cases, however this can come back to bite you a bit with the monthly fee. Along with that money saving option, ADT offers a vast array of options for your monthly monitoring fee. You are certainly able to find a price that meets your budget and still provides a quality service.

In addition, ADT is known for its high end customer service. What’s more frustrating than buying a product, having a question on it and not being able to get a straight answer? ADT is a security system company that has been in business for a long time and no company (no matter the industry) can last that long with shoddy customer service. They understand that and make sure to be on top of their game when it comes to the satisfaction of their benefactors. One of the results of “customer first” initiative is a 6 month trial period. ADT will let you return your security system if you are unhappy or have unresolved issues with it. On top of that, they’ll move your system for you if you move… for free!

Overall, ADT Security is one of the best security companies out there today.

To learn more about ADT please visit our ADT Security Review and continue to follow our blog for the latest security system reviews, news and tips!

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