Security System Review News

Security System Spotlight: Protect America


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We’re going to continue our security system spotlight and talk a little but about Protect America security systems. Protect America security systems is one of our favorite security systems on the market. Well, our experts gave it a 4.5 out of 5 on a very thorough review which you can view here. But what merits such a high score? Protect America security systems offers some of the lowest up-front costs on the market. Some of their equipment packages are even free and all utilize GE technology. You are getting a quality product for a low price. In addition, Protect America security systems is both a wireless security system and a cellular security system. So what we’re saying is, you get the best of both worlds! There aren’t a lot of companies out there that offer all the options like Protect America does.

One thing that Protect America security systems does best is their relatively easy to understand pricing structure. There is a Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum package and each one has a lot to offer. In addition, you can get a guaranteed rate for an extended period of time, which means no random price hikes for security. If you’ve got questions, their customer service is going to answer them clearly and help you out along the way. Protect America security systems is known for their top-notch customer service and was awarded the top spot for customer service by Consumer Digest and will even go as far as walking you through the installation of your DIY security system while you are on the phone with them. Although, we’re pretty certain that GE’s equipment and directions are so simple that you should be able to do it on your own easily.

Here’s the skinny. We love Protect America for a few reasons:

  • 1) Low cost, including free upfront pricing
  • 2) Low long term cost
  • 3) Great customer service
  • 4) Lots of options!
  • 5) It’s a wireless security system
  • 6) You have the option of getting a cellular security system for a low monthlycost of $41.99, or you can stick to regular phone lines for $19.99

So if you’re looking for low cost (come on, the GE equipment is free?!) then Protect America security systems might be your best bet.

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