Security System Review News

Security System Statistics


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For hundreds of year people have looked for ways to protect their belongings from others. Whether it meant locking something away or going as far as keeping on you at all times. Over time humans came up with better and better ways to protect their houses and posessions. Then, miracously, the home security system was introduced!. Yes! Something that can protect my house and send help if needed. Perfect!

Although security systems have been around for several decades now, many folks are still unaware about how security systems work, or how an security system can help protect their home and belonging. Today we’re going to look at some security system statistcis to give you a better idea of what home security systems are and what they can do for you. Here are some security system statistics:

Security System Statistics: A Little Background

  • At first, home security systems were installed by running a wire from each sensor to the next and finally to the Control Panel
  • A “technician” or “professional” was needed to install every home security system
  • All security systems required the use of your phone line to send signals to the monitoring station – phone lines can easily be cut as well!
  • In modern times, wireless security systems were introduced and have become the primary choice for security companies
  • Security systems can also use a cellular connection to the monitoring station to send signals – and even be used for remote access to your system from a smartphone. This is known as cellular security system monitoring
  • Homeowners can now install security systems all on their own, this is known as a do it yourself security system installation.

Security System Statistics: By The Numbers

  • There are nearly 3 Million burglaries in the U.S. each year
  • A home is broken in to every 13 seconds in the United States
  • According to the FBI, a burglary is one of the most common threats to a home
  • About 1 in 10 cases of burglary or robbery at house are actually solved
  • Homes that have an security system installed are three times less likely to be broken in to

These are several security system statistics that should help you figure out why people use alarm systems and some of their capabilities. You can learn more about security systems and security companies by reading our security system reviews. We have the top security system reviews of the best security companies around today.

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