Security System Review News

Five Simple Steps To Installing A Do It Yourself Security System


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Do It Yourself Security System Handyman

So you’re looking around for a new home security system but aren’t sure whether to go with a professionally installed system or a do it yourself security system. This is probably one of the most common dilemmas whencoming to the end of deciding which security system company to go with. The reason this tends to happen is because DIY security systems are so new compared to the technician installation method. With this in mind we here at Security System Reviews thought it would help to go over some of the common steps of installing a do it yourself security system. Let’s get started!

DIY Install Step One: Purchase Your Security System

Well, of course this is the first one right! You can’t install your do it yourself security system if you don’t purchase one first. Once you have decided which company and system to go with you’ll have your system on its way shortly. The security system company will likely program the wireless security system sensors in to the Control Panel before sending the system to you. Then they’ll pack it up and ship it on out.

DIY Install Step Two: Read The Instructions

For all us guys out there this may be the most boring of all the steps, however, it is one that you shouldn’t skip this time around. When your new security system arrives and you take it out of the box the first thing you will see are the instructions and any other documentation that is sent along. This usually includes a numbered notepad that allows you write down where your security system equipment is going throughout your house. More on this in a minute. Slowly read over the instructions to find out the rest of the steps for installation.

DIY Install Step Three: Place Your Control Panel

The first piece of security system equipment that you set up will be the Control Panel. Most Control Panels, like the GE Simon XT for instance, simply plugs in to the wall for power. You can either set the Control Panel on a tabletop or mount it on the wall. Mounting will require at least two or more screws but is simple to do. The most common method is the tabletop, which security system companies like FrontPoint Security have created a special tabletop stand for! Once you have your Control Panel in place it’s time to move on to placing sensors.

DIY Install Step Four: “Peel” and Place Your Sensors

Remember that numbered notepad we talked about earlier? Well it’s time to bust it out again! As you take your wireless security system sensors out of the big box (they’ll actually be in tinier boxes) you will notice that each has a number. This is so you can write down the sensor and where you put it in your home next to the number on the notepad. Brilliant, right?! Following the instructions you will go around your home “peeling” the adhesive off of each sensor and placing them on doors and windows as well as walls for motion sensors and glass break sensors among others. Once you have placed all your wireless security system sensors it’s time to move on to the next step.

DIY Install Step Five: Call To Activate YourSystem

The final step is to contact your security system company to have them activate your new security system. Now that everything is in place and your Control Panel is plugged in your security company will be able to remotely “check” your system to make sure it is working correctly. Some companies will even go through a brief training over the phone with you if you prefer. Once everything is checked and your system is activated your are all set.

So, that’s it. Five simple steps to installing a do it yourself security system. It really couldn’t be easier. If you run into a snag while installing simply refer to the directions, come here or contact your security system company. If you still need help choosing a security system company be sure to read our security system reviews. Our thorough, expert reviews feature everything from security system pricing to customer service and more.

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