Security System Review News

Studies: Homeowners Often Practice Poor Home Security Habits


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Social Media and Home SecurityHomeowners are investing in more than ever these days as more options become available and technology makes wireless systems fun as well as functional. However, even as people invest in these systems, they often ignore the basics of home safety that could prevent burglary, home invasion, and other security issues that the average homeowner is concerned about. While having an alarm system can increase the overall security of the home, there are three bad habits that many homeowners can change in order to make sure that their homes and families are as safe as possible.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in 2010 there were over two million burglaries in the United States resulting in approximately $4.6 billion in lost property.

Many of these burglaries occurred because homeowners simply fail to practice good security habits and lock their doors and windows, especially if they know they won’t be gone a long period of time. However, even before a short trip or errand, all doors and windows in the home should be locked and secure, as should any gates or patio doors. Thieves often take advantage of this kind of lax security and can walk off with a number of valuables without ever having to break in and trip off an alarm.

Another common bad habit that many homeowners have is hiding keys around the outside of the home. While they might think that their hiding places are clever and that thieves won’t find them, most people choose the same kinds of places, such as under doormats or flowerpots, and career criminals know where to look. Instead of hiding keys in order to prevent being locked out of the home, homeowners should instead leave a key with a next-door neighbor or carry a spare on a separate key ring.

With the glut of technology come constant social media updates, but homeowners should refrain from creating updates that let everyone know that they will be away from their home for any period of time. Even pages that are meant to be private can be accessed by savvy thieves who are looking for a target. When a homeowner lets the world know his or her every step, when they are not at home, or even their daily schedule, this leaves the home vulnerable to a greater degree.

While not every home burglary can be prevented, homeowners can increase the security of their homes by practicing good security habits and becoming more aware of who might be waiting and watching for an opportunity to commit a robbery.

Kris Murphy

Author – Kris has been learning the ropes, but already has 4 years of industry experience working with us. He is in charge of researching our security system reviews and putting together new content for our site’s blog section.

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