Security System Review News

Video Verified Alarms Expected to Become Increasingly Popular


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In an attempt to reduce the alarming number of property crimes taking place every single year, providers have done everything in their power to come up with innovative solutions designed to help homeowners and business owners protect their valuable belongings around the clock.

Over the past few years, video alarm verification solutions created and implemented by several respectable manufacturers have demonstrated their effectiveness, generating the satisfaction of millions of clients all across the U.S. Video alarm verification added to the owner’s security system guarantees a series of much-needed improvements, including reduced response time (of five minutes or less), no false alarms, and increased apprehension rates.

The Partnership for Priority Video Alarm Response (PPVAR) has recently welcomed Honeywell Security, a leading player that has just become their platinum associate member. Honeywell Security will start producing and commercializing video verified alarm solutions, appreciated for the fact that they minimize security risks, eliminate false alarms, and keep potential perpetrators at a respectable distance.

The Partnership for Priority Video Alarm Response (PPVAR) is a well-known organization launched in 2002 seeking to develop and consolidate a fruitful partnership established between law enforcement, insurance companies, and providers of electronic security solutions. The endgoal is to significantly reduce the number of property crimes, decrease the number of false alarms, enhance arrest rates, and facilitate successful prosecutions – all of this by promoting video verified alarms as an effective method to increase safety in any environment.

Security experts anticipate that Honeywell’s decision will stimulate its main competitors to go down the same path, ultimately maximizing the popularity of video alarm verification and encouraging more and more clients to profit from its numerous benefits. At the same time, it’s safe to say that as soon as more giant companies start embracing the same approach, prices will drop significantly and video verified alarms will become a truly accessible preventive measure implemented by a larger segment of customers.

This says that large manufacturers like Honeywell are seeing that video verification is taking a very strong foothold in our industry. People are selling more of it to theextent that Honeywell realizes they need to be a supplier of it. Up until this point in time, Honeywell has manufactured video surveillance cameras and alarms, but not video-verified alarms,” explained Don Young, the President of PPVAR.

According to PPVAR, video verified alarm solutions are valuable assets enabling owners to attain peace of mind in any given set of circumstances, knowing that they’ve invested in reliable supplementary measures of precaution.

The PPVAR promotes loss control with new tools to reduce property crime claims and mitigate risk with faster police response leading to more arrests. Monitored video alarms send a short video clip to the central station for immediate review and dispatch with priority response. Law enforcement responds to video verified alarms as a crime-in-progress that deliver documented arrest rates of over 10% compared to 0.08% for traditional burglar alarms,” indicate PPVAR representatives.

All in all, according to the information published by PPVAR on its website, the technology behind video verified alarms plays an important part in the never-ending battle against burglary attempts and has what it takes to become a cost-effective, viable solution for millions of customers worldwide while properly supported by giant players in the industry.

Zach Jefferson

Author – Zach has six years under his belt as a marketing manager within the home security industry. He is in charge of keeping site information as accurate as possible, while developing new content ideas for consumers.

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